Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The philosophy of TIME

A beautiful mind(movei) gives me the sense of wonder and mystery the mind is and what can it do. Well I feel it can do anything at any point of time and the power of a person lies not how much intelligent he is but how beautifully one can use the different thoughts that occur in mind. It shapes up in so many different ways and each mind is unique in itself. It can at times tell you what you want to do and how you can do it and at the same time it will counter argue in the sense that it will be attracted towards things that will hinder you to do things that you just thought of a second ago. Each one of us thinks in a different manner in the same situation because our mind have been subjected to different set of conditions to make it what it is today and the reaction to that particular situation is only the outcome of the experiences what we have had earlier and our mind has shaped its thought process in a particular fashion. An inference can be drawn that each mind is unique because of the various reasons and thus will react to a certain situation according to the past events that it has encountered and the kind of networking that has been done at the back end in the mind in conscious as well as subconscious thinking.

Now I come to the reaction that a mind gives when subjected to a certain situation. According to the above paragraph the reaction given by the mind when exposed to that situation is already decided, it is just a matter of time that when the mind will be subjected to that situation. What in turn is deduced here that there is no free will or conscience. One’s reaction is predecided in any case to what so ever he is exposed to because of the form that his mind has taken up in due course but this case will only add to the experiences that it already has and renetwork the whole thinking process by taking into account the current experience. Thus, each single moment we are experiencing something new and our brain is changing our thinking process simultaneously but at a still point of time(moment) the reaction is predecided and cannot be changed as per free will or conscience and thus accordingly they seem to be just illusions that every person has that he is doing or reacting in a way in which he wants to act but it is all decided and cannot be changed.

Now I take this discussion to the theory of time and later on to a scientific experiment to proove it. Consider time as a series of moments coming quickly one after the another. So each of these moments we consider as one unit. I map this one moment as the time taken by brain to renetwork its thought process. In conscinence this would also be the time which actually a person can feel as passage from one moment to another, anything smaller than this cannot be comprehended by brain and hence irrelevant in terms of free will. Now if we go by the above inference and the definition of moment described it can be said that what will happen in each moment is predecided.

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